July 8, 2024

Star midfielder Bruno Guimaraes of Newcastle United has expressed his happiness at St James’ Park in the face of circulating rumors that he will leave in the summer owing to Financial Fair Play (FFP) restrictions.

According to reports, the Magpies are one of six elite English clubs that may have to sell players during the next transfer window in order to abide by FFP rules. Following a strong campaign under Eddie Howe, Guimaraes is supposedly one of the players being mentioned for a transfer.

The 26-year-old Brazilian maestro has drawn interest from major football teams like Manchester City and Arsenal, leading to a lot of conjecture regarding his future. However, in response to questions from the Brazilian press regarding his intentions, Guimaraes sent a strong message to Newcastle’s ardent supporters.

“Look, my future, to be honest, is in God’s hands,” he replied. “I’m thrilled that I have a contract with Newcastle because, as I’ve already mentioned, I know how much they like me and everything I’ve done for the team.

“In summary, I’m content and I have a contract. We are fully aware of Financial Fair Play, so I have no idea what can go wrong, but all I can say is that I’m satisfied.

Naturally, it’s great to have your name associated with prestigious clubs; it indicates that I’m doing a good job at my work, but as I previously mentioned, I’m happy at the club, so I’m not concerned about it at all. I’m overjoyed, so let’s wait and see. I’m content, I’m not in a rush, and God will decide what will happen.

The Premier League’s top two are taking notice of Guimaraes, who has been a standout in Newcastle’s midfield since joining from Lyon in January 2022. He is adaptable enough to play in a deep or advanced role.

Despite doubts about their capacity to adhere to the league’s financial regulations, Howe will surely want to hang onto such a pivotal player.

“My opinions on the Bruno situation are plainly clear. Before the season ended, Howe stated, “We want to keep him, we want to build our team around him, and he’s an integral part of what we are doing.”

“Bruno’s performances have been top-notch, he’s content and focused, looking forward to a summer where we aim to progress the squad further, and he’s central to our plans.”


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