October 16, 2024

Someone asked me last night if I had seen an article on Football Insider, which is my least favorite website ever. They thought I would be interested, so they graciously supplied a link.

Surprisingly, too, I felt delighted the it had been brought to my notice even though I never would have looked it up on my own. It made clear a point I had already mentioned but now obviously need to reiterate.

The site’s administrators are a shame to the blogging community. It is the abyssal mist. Reading it is like licking a toilet seat in your mind; you know in your heart that it won’t end well, but you never know what specific disease you’ll catch as a result.

Reading that webpage is absolutely one of those things that, after experiencing it, makes me want to take a shower right away.

Upon reading the article, I felt as though all of my criticisms of the site, its publishers, and its writers had been validated. In this specific piece, Frank McAvennie was quoted. Regular readers will now understand my feelings about him—he’s a low-IQ fool who pretends like he has inside knowledge of our team merely because he played for Celtic in the past.

But isn’t that the gimmick of Football Insider?

They pretend that this gives them power by bringing out former players or those with the weakest ties to the relevant club or league. Though I have no interest in those, I’m sure their writing about other clubs is just as terrible. I pay attention to what they say about us, and the most of it is complete nonsense. When it comes to disseminating misinformation, McAvennie is among the worst; he says absurd things as if they were insider knowledge.

In the article that I received last night, McAvennie said that there was a disagreement of some kind between the management and Greg Taylor, and he even alluded to a plot to deceive the public by claiming that Taylor was hurt while, in reality, they had a falling out.

He provides no evidence. Not cited. Regardless of the potential harm, he simply tosses this startling rumor into the air and lets it blow wherever it may.

Don’t get me wrong; I don’t believe that this will actually hurt anything because everyone at Celtic knows that McAvennie is a halfwit.

Anyone familiar with football media or the blogosphere will also recognize that the website is a hoax. However, McAvennie has been doing this kind of garbage for far too long. He has a history of spreading unfounded rumors, and Football Insider is more than willing to print them.

Despite everything, he continues to act as though he is involved with the club and can speak for it. He doesn’t. He has never done so. He wouldn’t propagate lies like this if he truly cared about Celtic.

He acts in a completely self-serving manner. It’s amazing that he either doesn’t care or doesn’t understand that stories like this do not help Celtic in the slightest. However, it achieves his goal of getting his name known to the general population.

There’s a reason why the folks at Celtic dislike, distrust, and don’t want him around. It’s crazy to think that he only has one source at Celtic Park—who would approach him? Knowing where information ends up, who would trust him with any?

To put it plainly, I don’t think a word of this narrative. I’ve never heard of it before, therefore I have no idea where this moron got it. I think it sounds like a crazy fabrication—something he made up in his own mind and then persuaded himself had some validity. It’s absurd.

Normally, I would say he ought to feel ashamed, but if he had any shame, he wouldn’t be engaging in this kind of gossip for a publication like Football Insider.

That webpage is not worth a Celtics fan’s attention. Not even for a second. It’s no longer just clickable garbage; it’s intentionally disseminating misinformation and rumors. It is imperative to remove that disgusting website from news aggregators and, better yet, the entire internet.

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