October 6, 2024

Sean Clark from Plainfield, Indiana

Question: With the season over, are they gonna let Malik play and gain some experience under snap?

To keep Levis playing with the season already over I just don’t see the point especially after what happened yesterday. I know fans aren’t happy with Willis but he just needs more snaps and game time experience and since we are eliminated, no better time than now right?
I was wondering how Julius Chestnut was doing, he had a great preseason then got injured. Haskins as well.
Also that was a brutal and very tough interview to watch with Henry about his future with the team. I really hate to see him go, he’s been here almost a decade and really don’t wanna see him in any jersey except a Titans one. It would be amazing to have him retire as a Titan.

Jim: Hey Sean. Well, there’s a lot to be determined with Levis, as Coach Vrabel said on Monday. He has to be healthy enough to play, and to be able to protect himself if he’s back there. I lean toward not playing him myself if he’s not healthy. If he is healthy, I want to see more of him, because it would help his growth. And, at this point, I’d make Malik his back-up as well. This is just my opinion, and coaches may feel differently. We’ll see. As for Julius, I’ve seen him around the building and he seems to be doing well, is in good spirits. Like Julius, Haskins is on IR. I haven’t seen him around.
As for Henry, I don’t know what’s going to happen with him moving forward, after this season, and the reality is, Derrick doesn’t either. I do know for sure he’s been the ultimate pro since he’s been here and the team has been lucky to have him.

Ernesto Juarez from Irapuato, Mexico
Question: Second time I used this useful mailbox, but I have had luck.
I have been a Titans fan since they were the Oilers.
What an awful loss. That just shows what a bad coaching and training Titans have had all season long.
It is clear that the head coach mind is in other place than with the Titans.
I hope next season we have a better coaching team (all of them).
Best regards.

Jim: Gracias for taking the time, Ernesto. It was a bad loss, no doubt about it. The Titans had no business losing that game on Sunday. Unfortunately, the team has lost a lot of games like that this year. I understand fans are frustrated with some of the play calling, and I, too, got tired of seeing the 1st down runs (with no success). But players have to make plays, too, so the loss is on everyone. I saw two DBs drop INTs late, I saw a missed extra point, I saw bad blocking, I saw poor tackling, I saw a silly holding call on special teams near the line of scrimmage on a punt, etc. The margin for error is so small in the NFL, and the Titans have been finding just enough ways to lose. Everyone is to blame.

Greg Stauffer from Charlotte, North Carolina
Question: Jim, Big Fan of your work and of course the Titans. I am in full draft and FA mode. The number speak volume. 66 yards rushing ant 2.2 Yards per carry clip, 7 sacks and can not count how many pressures, and a 204 total offense! The OL was very bad. 1After an epic failure of the OL, I am praying for QUALITY multiple OL additions either through the draft (my preference) or free agency. We need at at least three OL upgrades: 1) A tackle ( am assuming at least one of the current tackle will step up play well net year, 2) A center ( I like Aaron Brewer, but he gets pushed around too much), and another guard! The big question: Will Levis career and the Titans near term future be ruined by this OL. Question which avenue make the most sense for the Titans, Free Agency or Draft?

Jim: Hey Greg. Well, the Titans better learn to protect Levis better, or he’ll suffer from it in more ways than one. As for offseason plans, free agency AND the draft should help fix things, as long as the right players are acquired.

Dick Clodfelter from Bell Buckle, Tennessee
Question: Hi Jim. Sure appreciate all you do for us fans. It can’t be easy after a game like today’s where the curse of a missed extra point attempt is probably to blame for the overtime. Well, that and a lousy offense and poor rushing and passing defense, too. I can’t understand why Henry’s game was wasted by so many unsuccessful plays into the center of the Texans defensive line. And no quick short pass plays to compensate for poor pass protection. Injuries didn’t help, but the lack of adjustment in play calling is a major factor in the loss today. Oh, maybe the Texans won because they are just a better team. Your thoughts?

Jim: Thanks for taking the time, Dick. The Texans won the game, and they deserve a lot of credit for coming to town and doing so. But I’m not going to sit here and say they were necessarily the better team on Sunday, not with a back-up QB, missing their top receivers, a top defensive player, etc. And, if this sounds like sour grapes, I’ll also say I don’t think the Titans are a better team than the Dolphins, a team they beat last Monday. It’s a week-to-week league, and the Titans blew a game they were favored to win against the Texans, just like they blew some other games this season. When the Texans get their injured players back for the December 31 rematch, they could very well be the better team then, but we’ll have to wait to see who wins.

EM McFarland from San Diego, California
Question: I wonder what would have happened if offensively we would have gone to more 10-yard passes? Quicker outs, hooks, and slants. It seems to me that was what was undefended. (Hit’em where they aint) Obviously with the undependable OL we were not able to run over them often enough yesterday. We had a few deep hits but not enough to win the game.
This OL gets fixed next offseason (draft or FAs). The defense line held up pretty well considering it is cobbled together. Of course most any accurate thrower can work our secondary over the course of a game. We need help here (in the secondary) as well in offseason. Lastly we need another true #1 WR thru draft that can stay with us for 5-7 years or longer. My Christmas Wish List. Merry Christmas ALL.

Jim: Well, let’s be honest, it probably would’ve worked better than the running game on Sunday. Titans running backs carried the ball 23 times for 39 yards in the game. The team was trying to protect Levis by running the ball, but putting Levis in 2nd and long and 3rd and long situations because of an ineffective run game backfired. I think we all know this team needs to get better.

Greg Serheev from Chester, New Jersey
Question: Hello there Jim. Congratulations to the Titans OL for giving the Texans the win. They allowed our QB to be demolished out there. Ive never seen an OL get manhandled week in and week out, the way the Titans do. Levis is a complete warrior but his OL did everything they could to send him to the hospital. Also we have the greatest home run hitter in the league(The King)but our OL manages to get him negative yards every week. Can’t wait for him to go the Eagles next year for a 7th round pick in 2029. Oh and congratulations to our secondary for allowing Case Keenum march up and down the field. Another no-name QB who has his way against our secondary all season. Oh and my favorite…congrats to the coach who let T.Avery get into the NFL. Leave it to the Titans Braintrust, who think they drafted good DBs. Maybe next year they’ll look at Division 3 players who can’t cover their own shadows.
What a great season we had this year. Why even bother playing out the rest of the season? There is nothing left to play for, not even for pride. Just play the practice players so they can at least get contracts somewhere else. We just proved that Last week was a fluke! Titans are good for one of those a year.
Im so frustrated, embarrassed, disappointed, and exhausted with this team!! What a complete BUST this season!!

Jim: Hey Greg. Blaming just the o-line for the loss lets everyone else off the hook. I agree, protection – and run blocking – wasn’t very good on Sunday. But there were other issues as well.

Mike Parker from Hopkinsville, Kentucky
Question: Why do we continue to let good players in key positions get away on offense and defense. And why do we continue to not to get receivers that can catch the ball and get open down field. Because Derick Henry don’t have a chance in hell to do what he good at. And lastly why in the hell we don’t fire the offensive coordinator because he don’t have a clue. And my last thing I have to say is as a Titan fan we are getting tired of spending our money on watching the weak players the Titans are putting out on the field. I can’t even believe they are thinking about building a new stadium with the mess we have to watch every week, it totally ridiculous.

Jim: Happy Holidays, Mike!

Steve Hunt from Fort Worth, Texas
Question: Nothing I say here will change anything. Just another disappointed fan another crappy Sunday and another lost season. Waiting for the SB to start and see another organization win it for the 58th time.

Jim: Let’s be honest with ourselves, Steve. I don’t think anyone thought this was going to be the year the Titans would win the Super Bowl. With that said, this team has underachieved.

Jonathan Humphrey from Rumsey, Kentucky
Question: Jim I have a Carol to sing this season: “Anguish to the world, O’Henry can’t get a run. Let Nashville receive defeat! The defense let us down, the offense is a frown, and Levis receives a sack, and Levis receives a sack, and Levis receives sack after sack! We failed again, this time at home. The throwbacks did not a thing! The Oilers were a miss, and the Texans get a kiss. The AFC hands the Jags such wonderful Bliss!!” Maybe I should go on the voice. IDK. Thanks Jim. TITAN UP!!!

Jim: Oh man, I think that’s the first Christmas carol in the mailbag, Jonathan.

Barrett Sutton from Nashville, Tennessee
Question: To me, the failure to put together an offensive line has been more disappointing and embarrassing than the trade of AJ. Indefensible.

Jim: 50 sacks allowed in 14 games. Yeah, that’s pretty bad.

Terry Anderson from Glasgow, Kentucky
Question: Hello Jim. Hope all is well. I guess I am like every fan in the way a loss is the end of the world. No real bright side left. I am tired of the lack of improvement on the offensive line especially. “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Albert Einstein Something has to change before Levis is seriously injured and his career is shortened. Christmas Eve game against Seattle. Maybe we will coach better and play better and play complementary football.

Jim: A lot of doom and gloom in here this week, Terry.

Seth Fischer from Lynchburg, Virginia
Question: I’ve tried to be a good fan this year, but this loss? The Tennessee Titans just got beat by the Houston Texans when the Texans were without countless starting players. What’s worse is that the Titans got beat by the Texans in the Houston Oilers uniforms. And they are out of the playoffs. Now watch as the Titans win out. You can tell I’m not too happy. But Jim, I must say, despite all this disappointment, you don’t let us fans down. You’ve been faithful to this team even when the odds were stacked against them and you make us feel closer to this team. So as the curtains close on this season, I think everybody needs to thank you for what you do for the Team and the fan base. Don’t know when I write in again, but to all fans, Merry Christmas and Titan Up

Jim: I agree, it was a bad loss, Seth. Thanks for reading, and for the shout-out.

Daryl St John from Panama City Beach, Florida
Question: Can we just fire anyone? I just want something to happen we can’t even beat backups. I’m ready for next year I how we get real good players free agency and draft. please get will some help

Jim: Fire anyone? Heck, that includes me…

Darris Mays from Carrolton, Texas
Question: Hello Jim. I pray all is well! I think at this point there’s no need to play Tannehill. Willis deserves a chance to play if will Levis can’t play. You can’t make the playoffs so now focus on the draft. Levis is our future QB so give this time to willis and let Levis get healthy. This team needs Coaches, Corners, Wide receiver, and offensive linemen. Our number one need is a head coach not this buddy system stuff. I’m not saying he’s a bad coach. I just think his time is up. We had to many good players on this team and he got rid of them all. I would like to see a younger coach with an offensive mind. I really like Detroit offensive coordinator or Tampa Bay offensive coordinator.

Jim: It will be interesting to see what the team decides if Levis can’t play. I get the rationale on Malik, taking another look to see him play.

Jeff Marsalis from Fair Oaks Ranch, Texas
Question: Hi Jim…the dumpster fire that is this season has been hard to watch. One of the things that has me the most frustrated is when commentators talk about the decline in Henry’s production, as if it’s his fault. He is not the kind of player to direct blame elsewhere, but the problem is not Henry…it is 100% on the offensive line. It doesn’t matter who we have back there if they are getting hit the moment they get the ball. The line has been in steady decline for the last several years. Skill players get all the attention & glory, but games are won in the trenches. I have always believed that the offensive line is the single most important unit on a football team, and ours is the worst I can remember…and I’ve been a die-hard since 1974! Loved seeing the old uniforms, but that performance by the O-Line was painful!
My question is, in all the behind the scene conversations/chatter that you are surly around, is Henry’s reduced production being attributed to the O-Line, or are people really doubting him/believe he is in physical decline? Secondly, how much are you hearing about the O-Line being the main priority in the off-season/draft? I understand there are numerous holes that need to be addressed, but we need to get serious about investing in the O-line.
Thanks for all you do!

Jim: Hey Jeff. It also seemed to me like Derrick was getting hit in the backfield over and over and over again. And, it also seemed like the Texans knew what was coming. That’s a recipe for the running back to fail, I don’t care if it’s Derrick Henry, Jim Brown or Emmitt Smith, etc. … And, it’s no secret the o-line will be a big priority this offseason.

Kathy Franczek from Mt Juliet, Tennessee
Question: I just thought Titans would recognize Frankie Wycheck on their helmets this week. Why did they choose NOT to?

Jim: The team wore helmet stickers with the No. 89, Kathy. Sorry you missed it.

John Werther from Nashville, Tennessee
Question: Jim: they need to make a rule change to allow for challenges to penalties, called or missed. Mason kinsey was smoked OUT OF BOUNDS. Egregiously bad missed call. The official should be fined for that.

Jim: I thought that should’ve been a flag as well. Sorry the officials missed it.

Jim Westbrook from Pasadena, California
Question: Hey, Jim. Loyal lifetime fan here. Thank you for all you do to keep us all informed.
I’ve been trying to keep an eye on our DB play this season and it seems to be getting better.
So what do ya think? Does Elijah Molden remind you a little bit of Finnegan? It’s the fight in the dog that makes him bigger than the dog in the fight!

Jim: Hey Jim. Both scrappy guys, although Cortland was more of a corner, while Elijah has transitioned more to safety.

Rich Davidson from Paducah, Kentucky
Question: For the Titans to still be competitive with the offensive line they have speaks volumes about the rest of the team. I’m afraid Levis is going to get severely injured and our running backs are hit as soon as they touch the ball. Please tell me that we have the money available to build an effective offensive line this offseason.

Jim: Money, and draft picks, will be available, Rich. But the Titans have to pick the right guys…

Jeremy Rodriguez from Winchester, California
Question: Hey Jim. well this was a tough one. Growing up in Texas, going to the Astrodome, watching the Oliers, today, to breakout the throwbacks, and lay an egg is a rough day. The offensive line was just bad! There are so many adjectives that can be used but bad is the nicest one I can say. Henry was hit in the back field all day, a chance to put a game winning drive together and sacks are just being handed out. The play calling in OT was not good at all. I am not sure why they don’t let Levis just cut loose and rip it. Being a run first team has to be the Ghost of Titans Past with a QB like him. Time to get ready for Seattle. Have a great Jim and as always TITAN UP!!!

Jim: It’s time to turn the page for sure, Jeremy. There’s nothing anyone can do about the past now.

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