June 29, 2024

Celtic winger James Forrest set it alight for the Bhoys at Dens Park on Sunday afternoon, bagging a fine brace that proved crucial.

It was a hard-fought victory for the Hoops at a key part of the season. Similarly to last week in the Scottish Cup, their performance perhaps wasn’t up there with the best, but at this stage, winning takes priority.

A man who knows that too well is Forrest. His experience and quality at times like these is pivotal and after yesterday’s match, manager Brendan Rodgers labelled him one of the remaining fathers of Celtic’s recent prosperity.

To these comments, the 32-year-old responded as modestly as his character.

He said: [The Celtic Way] “That does make me feel old. I don’t mind that. At Celtic as a forward player – not just an experienced one – you need to be able to take the pressure off the team but scoring goals and having assists. That’s how it is, no matter what age you are.”

The veteran is deep into his fifteenth season with the first team during which time he has won 22 trophies. He is only four medals away from overtaking Bobby Lennox as the most decorated Celt.

Such an achievement would further reinstate his status as a club legend but he more than anyone will know to keep his focus on the present and this weekend’s colossal clash against Hearts.

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