July 3, 2024

A football banning order has been issued to a Nottingham Forest supporter who used derogatory language during a game.

On December 15, 2023, Darren Green shouted racially charged profanities over and over during a game at the City Ground.

Multiple people witnessed season ticket holder Green shout anti-Semitic abuse from his seat towards visiting Tottenham Hotspur fans.

The 50-year-old was also seen to target one specific opposition player – aiming racist vitriol in their direction at different points throughout the game.

Despite several fans challenging Green about his foul language and asking him to stop, he responded in an aggressive manner and then carried on doing it.

Green’s behaviour was subsequently reported to stewards by a number of Forest supporters, and he was later identified and charged following a police investigation.

In the face of overwhelming evidence from eyewitnesses, he pleaded guilty to two charges of racially aggravated disorderly conduct.

Green, of Raithby Cose, Bestwood, appeared at Nottingham Magistrates’ Court to be sentenced on Friday (7 June), where he received a three-year football banning order.

Under the order, he is banned from attending any football ground in the country during this period, or from travelling abroad when international matches are taking place.

On top of the banning order, Green was also instructed by the court to pay £1,759 in fines and costs, as well as a victim surcharge of £669.

Sergeant Duncan Brown, of Nottinghamshire Police, said:

“The language used by Green on the night of this match was absolutely disgraceful.

“This type of abhorrent hate speech has absolutely no place inside, or indeed outside, a football stadium.

“Despite being told on more than one occasion by his fellow supporters to stop, Green did precisely the opposite and carried on yelling obscenities.

“Hate speech will never be tolerated by Nottinghamshire Police, and we will always look to take action against anyone found to be spouting abuse.”

Sgt Brown added: “This extends to football and the county’s three professional clubs, who we work closely with to deal with any reports of hate at matches that we receive.

“This was demonstrated really well in this instance, with Green being identified after multiple fans came forward to report what he said to club officials.

“Thanks to the actions of these supporters, we were able to build a case against Green that he couldn’t deny, and he has now been banned from going to matches.

“The punishment handed out here should serve as a warning to anyone who thinks it is acceptable to behave in this manner at the football, or anywhere else in our communities.”

A Nottingham Forest spokesperson added:

“Nottingham Forest fully condemns the actions of the individual who has been found guilty, and is pleased with the outcome of Nottinghamshire Police’s investigation.

“The club has a zero-tolerance approach to any form of discrimination.

“Nottingham Forest takes immense pride in championing equality and diversity, and we are committed to ensuring everyone who visits the City Ground can enjoy an inclusive environment.

“In collaboration with ‘Kick It Out’, the club will offer educational sessions to the individual in question in an effort to reform their views.

“We continue to work effectively with Nottinghamshire Police to identify and eradicate such unacceptable behaviour.”

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