Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson talked about his first contract renegotiation in the WWE in a recent interview with Patrick Bet David. He mentioned that he asked Vince McMahon for $2 million.
According to The Rock, this number was double what “Stone Cold” Steve Austin was making at the time.
Regarding his partnership with Vince McMahon: “Vince and I had a great partnership because it was built on my willingness to work hard for every dollar.” I have an enormous amount of respect for the pro wrestling industry, which is really important to him, and our connection was built on hard work and willingness to put in the necessary effort. That’s how he lives. That is his reality. It is derived from him. I was raised in the professional wrestling industry. In the 1970s, my grandfather wrestled for Vince’s father. In the 1980s, my father wrestled for Vince. I approached this with a great deal of reverence and respect.Ready to work hard, let’s go to work. When I became The Rock and things started to happen for me, I told Vince this. And he asked, “What’s next?” “I feel like we should take this brass ring and take it somewhere it has never been,” I uttered. What’s that where?’ he asked. “I’m not sure.” Let us work together to solve it.
On his first contract with WWE:”As I was growing up, Vince offered me a five-year contract worth $150,000 year as my very first contract with WWE. Remember, I had to pay for everything in the realm of pro wrestling, not just taxes. lodging, meals, and travel. $150k a year is fantastic, but when you’re wrestling 250 occasions a year, figure out how much you’re getting paid for each bout. That’s just the way things were. It presented me with a chance. I was raised on seven dollars. This is fantastic.
On his first renegotiation:”We should renegotiate now. He wanted to renegotiate my contract after two or three years, perhaps three years later, when I became known as The Rock. During that time, a few wrestlers had their own agencies. I decided against using an agent. “Are you going to have an agent?” he asked. Are you trying to find an agency? “I am not.” I want to have direct negotiations with you. We shook hands when we first met, and I think that’s how we’ll do this as well.I find that handshakes are really significant. I always claim that the best thing I’ve ever signed is my handshake. Fantastic, he said. I adore that. I honor it. What are you considering? I asked, “If it’s okay with you, who gets paid the most?” Who on the roster gets paid the most, between us? “Stone Cold Steve Austin,” he murmured. “What is his assurance?” “One million dollars.” “Two is what I want.” “Two million?” Indeed. “Ensured?” Indeed. “I’m just curious, where do you get that from?” he asked. What calculations are you making? Steve has my affection and respect. Should he receive a million dollars. Beyond a million bucks is where I envision myself going. I believe there need to be two. He said,This is what I would like you to do. I will arrange for you to speak with one of our executives. I need you to give the business a few months to understand. I need you to be well aware of this aspect of the company. the economics in its whole. Recognize our expenses, overhead, and allocations. I appreciate you taking the time and making the effort you claim you’re going to in the ring. I want you to study the business now.